miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2015


DÓINĂ, doine, s. f. Specie a liricii populare și a folclorului muzical românesc, care exprimă un sentiment de dor, de jale, de revoltă, de dragoste etc., preluată și de poezia cultă. – Et. nec.
Sursa: DEX '09 (2009) |si un nume drag mie.


(contine si termenul boi)

Cuvânt groaznic: sânge, jale,
In urma lui doar jar și scrum...
Cu oameni morți, cu trupuri ciopârțite
Ce-noata-n sânge și în fum...
Zeu plin de demnitate,
Zeu cu chip măreț, dar slut,
Ce jertfe ai primit dintotdeauna,
Ai împărțit și moarte și dreptate!
Nicicând nu ai lăsat o clipa
Pacea-n Univers, ci crunt,
Ai îndemnat pe oameni spre mai mult.
Orbit-ai ochi cu aur și pământ,
Dar ai sculat și sclavii pentru libertate,
Maret, dar crud ai fost și ești, o Marte!
Popoare-întregi vărsat-au sânge
Pentru un Cezar sau Napoleon,
Pentru un ideal mort și în van,
Sau alții îmbătați de-un demon
Care-n Berlin urla, au năvălit în lume
Visând ca sunt singuri în stare a o-ngenunchia.
Dar numai moarte-au obținut și jale
Caci Libertatea, altar sfânt de aur,
Nicicând mai mult de-o clipa n-a pierit
Si ca și Phoenix, din cenușa și sângele acelor ce luptară,
Renăscuta, s-a înălțat mai demna,
Si-n fata ei, orbit de-a ei putere,
Năvălitorul, dușmanul ei de moarte,
Lipsit de vlaga și de idealuri

Tulcea – 1976

joi, 19 noiembrie 2015


Magazin nr. 46 (3022) din 19.11.2015
PANACÉU s.n. Nume dat odinioară unor medicamente despre care se credea că ar putea să vindece orice boală; leac, remediu universal. [Pron. -ceu. / < fr. panacée, cf. gr. panakeia < pas – tot, akos – medicament],
Din pacate in cautare de anormal se mai fac si greseli, catina e in mod cert o resursa pentru criza in care se afla omenirea. Cu criza morala e mai greu ca la tehnica de acum e usor sa minezi un catinis sa faci sa ramana un crater imens. E 1-0 pentru papusari azi dar poate.... cine stie.... o fi o vreme sa poata spune urmasii nostri: era o data o lume de nimic dar a venit un ceva care a aruncat la gunoi raul. Si s-a luat gunoiul si l-au duuuu...s departe poate chiar pe Marte ca tot vand unii iluzii ca putem sa facem praf Pamantul; ca ne duc ei pe Marte unde curge lapte si miere... deocamdata se spune ca ar fi apa dar capitalism asta inseamna sa pacalesti fraierul si sa castigi... sa castiiii...gi cat nu mai poti duce, doar tu.....

duminică, 8 noiembrie 2015

Lemon & Baking Soda

Shown To Be Powerful Healing Combination

In an age where cancer rates are rising incredibly fast, the need for alternative treatments is becoming even more prominent. Research is being put into a number of different avenues with one supporting Dr. Marty Pagel, PhD, from the University of Arizona Cancer Center, who will test the effects of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) on breast cancer patients. He is receiving a $ 2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to find to perform the study.
An important note to understand right off the top- any treatment for cancer will react differently in various patients and also to various types of cancers. Traditional methods can work well on some cancers and terribly on others. The same can be said for various natural cures. On top of this fact, the state of the human body receiving treatment with either method also plays a big role. Do they have access to clean organic food? Clean water? Do they believe and feel they can overcome their disease? These are all important factors with any treatment.
A number of studies in the past have shown interesting in vivo results surrounding the use of sodium bi-carbonate on cancer tumors. While research is not fully complete on the matter, early results are already showing some powerful effects of tumor metastasis. This of course encourages funding for further research as early signs are looking good.
Dr. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have already demonstrated the effectiveness of baking soda in alkalinizing the area around tumors in mice. The same researchers found that bicarbonate increases tumor pH and also inhibits spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. [3]

Lemon has shown to contain anti-carcinogenic properties as it contains limonoides which are phytochemicals found in a number of citrus fruits. [1] Lemon also has been shown to have strong anti-microbial effects which has been tested in research exploring the idea that cancer is very much like a fungus within the body. [2] When treating cancer as a fungus, various methods can be used and some have found that lemon and bicarbonate can help fight the fungus causing various types of cancer.

Lemons are also effective in helping the body detoxify. They are rich in vitamin C and help your body neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. Limonene, a substance found in lemons also helps to stimulate lymph flow which is important in removing carcinogens from the body. A weak or under performing lymph system is a big part of disease promotion.

Lemon is also used to help balance Ph. They are taken together as it is believed that lemon is one of the safest ways to introduce high alkaline substances into the system. These methods of treatment are able to approach carcinogenic cells and destroy them without destroying healthy cells. This is another key factor as chemotherapy destroys all cells which includes the healthy ones.

Together lemon and baking soda help to fight cancerous cells or diseases in the body while helping to increase the body’s ability to clean itself up of what may be causing the diseases in the first place. Having lemon as a part of your diet is certainly healthy and taking this combination as a detox can also be helpful even if you don’t have an illness.

One method I have found for introducing this into your body as a drink is to mix 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda into 250ml of water with about 1 half of a lemon. Please check into more recipes that might work for you. I have personally taken this mixture if I ever had stomach issues or was feeling like I might be getting sick. It has been very successful each time I’ve used it. Of course, always do your own research and check with a health professional if you wish.

1. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bk-1994-0546.ch015
2. Researchers examined human DNA from a variety of tissues and organs to identify and quantify aflatoxin DNA-adducts. Such adducts are considered to be proof of the mycotoxin’s presence in a particular tissue. Their finding? “Tumor tissues had higher aflatoxin-adduct levels than did normal tissue from the same individual.”
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19276390
